For those who hated 2016, I made a list of 16 things you should consider

No real introduction is necessary here. 2016, specifically the last week, was full of trivial complaints and regrets. This list should help to put things into perspective.

1. You were able to get out of bed and walk.

2. You’re able to read this, unlike 12% of the world that is illiterate.

3. You’re able to read this on a phone or computer that millions wish they could also have.

4. You had access to the Internet, which allowed you to connect and learn in ways that others did not.

5. You were able to vote for your public officials and representatives.

6. You were able to freely voice your opinions on social media without fear of punishment.

7. You didn’t have to worry about whether your water was drinkable.

8. You didn’t have a shortage of food.

9. You had the ability to travel much of the world with no restrictions.

10. Your country was not attacked.

11. You had a roof over your head, unlike the half-million homeless people in America.

12. If you got sick, chances are you got adequate treatment unlike the millions of Americans without health insurance.

13. You had access to books and other forms of education that much of the world did not.

14. You had the freedom to practice any form of religion, something many people in this world will never experience.

15. You had enough or possibly excessive amounts of clothes and shoes.

16. There was somebody, somewhere that loved and cared about you.

Dominic Vaiana studies writing and media strategy at Xavier University.  His personal articles, essays, interviews, and book recommendations are sent in his monthly newsletter.


One thought on “For those who hated 2016, I made a list of 16 things you should consider

  1. Very well said Dominic !

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